
How to Spend Time with your Family and Still Write Articles

Writing articles for websites like eHow, Bukisa, and Associated Content is a great way to express your thoughts and to also put some extra money in your pockets each month. Just like any activity, writing articles needs to be added to your schedule in a responsible way so that you don’t neglect your family.

Budget your time wisely. Writing articles for websites has become a popular way for writers on every level to express themselves and harness the power of the Internet to generate traffic and ultimately revenue for their work. Writing can consume a large portion of your time and can draw your attention away from other responsibilities. Like any other activity, time for writing should be isolated into its own time slot in order to allow time for other activities.

Experiment to find the best time of day for you to write. The most obvious time to write articles is late at night after everyone in the house has gone to sleep. By then, your chores are done and the house is quiet because everyone is sleeping. The problem with late night writing is that you could begin to lose more and more sleep and you don't typically have anyone to tell you when it's time to go to bed. If you are going to stay up late on the computer, set an alarm for yourself, but nothing audible or you'll wake everyone up.

Utilize break time and down-time. If you have access to a computer at work, you could use your break time or lunch time to write an article. The only problem with this is that if people see you sitting at your desk, they may think you are on the clock and approach you with business. Don't start writing articles on company time. It's dishonest and you shouldn't lose your job, while working on secondary income. If you can afford it, a laptop or netbook is a good investment because you can take it to a quiet place outside the office and write.

The most important thing is to use discipline and spend writing time for writing and family time for family. If you want to try both, you could brainstorm with your family for ideas and they could help you write articles, but if they aren't interested, then don't impose it on them. Everyone has different tastes.

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